Be Bold, Lead Well

There are two things I would like to share with you today.

Be bold.

Lead well.

Family-friendly isn’t going to cut it in 2023.  Have you seen the news?  It’s a disaster out there.  Our product should be exceptional.  Our programming, imaging, air talent should be top of the line.  We’re doing it for God so we should bring our highest and best every single day.  But, our work must be BOLD. 

You bet!  We should do everything that is humanly possible to gain the largest audience that is possible BUT not at the expense of a watered-down gospel.  Please hear my heart.  We are Christian radio! 

I’m with you, the music is an extremely effective tool in sharing God’s truth, but it shouldn’t be forced to stand alone.  What would happen, if, collectively, as a Christian Radio industry, we decided to be BOLD in lifting up the name of Jesus in our communities?  Every single day. 

What if we let our let shine before men BRIGHTER than it has ever been?  My friends, we are “the light of the world”.  We are the “city on a hill”.  God doesn’t need us to change the world, or start a revival, or serve our communities but wants to work through us to change the world, start a revival, and serve our communities. 

It’s extremely effective when you share your story of how God has transformed your life.  Do it.  On air, off air, online, offline.  Use words your listeners understand.  Don’t break format.  Don’t preach, condemn, or tell your audience what you are against.  Stay within your guard rails, encourage, and share what you are for. 

Jesus.  That’s who we are for!  It’s all about Jesus. Let’s shine the light on our radio stations brighter than it has ever been and trust God that when we lift up Jesus, he will draw all people unto himself.



If your team is unfulfilled, you are failing as a leader.  Your ministry will grow when, and only when, you invest in your people, treat them well and help them thrive like never before. 

Just because our people are “working for the Lord” does not give us permission to push them to the brink of burnout, which is real, and dissatisfaction and ask them to “be happy about it” or “there’s the door.”  If you are in a position to either help a staff member be fulfilled, joyful, and excellent at what they do OR unfulfilled, stressed, and barely getting by, I beg of you Christian ministry leader, prioritize the former. 

As Christian leaders, our leadership should be the standard for how well we treat employees.  Our cultures should be world-class — safe, honest, free of toxicity, and fulfilling.  If they are not, we are failing.  Jesus told us that the primary role of a leader is to serve.  What a privilege it is! 

That doesn’t mean we pander, cater to, or spoil, but we invest, build up, provide clarity, give feedback and engage in difficult conversations.  That’s what God wants us to do.  It doesn’t always work out nor do we always get it right, but just because it’s ministry doesn’t excuse us from being the best leaders in the world.  Be for your people!  When you are, they will be for you!

My time is up.


Lead well

Jason Sharp

Sr. Vice President for Media
Northwestern Media

From CMB Momentum Opening Ceremonies June 2023


How the Mighty Fall