003 Fundraising

101122 Questions, thoughts, insights, ideas, needs, observations, things we like, things we don’t like, things that work, things we need to work on - an open discussion on fundraising with Jill Mikkelson (Duluth), Amanda Brooks (Madison), Leesa Leslie and Tonya Davis (Peoria), Jenn Pooler, April Wilson, and David A Dein (Waterloo) with special pop-in guest Melony McKaye (Kansas City). Hosted by Lisa Williams.

002 Talking to one person

100622 A deep, fun discussion on the radio fundamental of radio intimacy / talking to one person. Insights from Haley Powell (Rapid City), April Wilson and David A Dein (Waterloo), Courtney Canfield (Champaign), and Keith Stevens (Minneapolis). Hosted by Lisa Williams.

001 Let’s go!

100422 The first NWM group coaching session! As David A.Dein prayed, this time is dedicated to collaboration and to learning from each other. Hosted by Lisa Williams - featuring "5 Minutes with..." Dave Conour, an air check from Johnathon and Courtney, a heart dump on NWM culture, and a group discussion on how this group coaching project will proceed. (Amanda, April, Dave, David, Jenn - thanks for spending my birthday with me xo)